Get fan funded
in 5 minutes

Creators like podcasters, YouTubers and
newsletters use 10er to get paid by their fanbase

100% free to try. We only get paid if you do.

creative projects already
use 10er to get paid
“When people pay it feels like they own a tiny bit of the project too. It's OUR show now. That's a pretty great feeling!
Michael makes the satiric talk-show Schøtministeriet about politics and society
“We chose 10er because we'd heard that it was user friendly for both the podcaster and the listener. We can confirm”
Mathias makes the podcast Søhøjlandets Stemmer about his local soccer team
“10er is the best and easiest way for listeners to support the podcast”
Morten makes the podcast Wichmaskinen with other comedians about writing and telling jokes
“10er is essential for us to keep the wheels turning”
Alexander & Peter make the podcast Vanvittig Verdenshistorie about world history
Fully automatic

Supporters pay per episode

Or per song, or per comic, or per whatever you make. Even per week or per month.

Whether you make your thing on a schedule or not, 10er subscribes to your thing — just like your fans.

At the end of the month, your supporters are charged for the exact amount of releases you made.

We think it's fair and simple.

Get started
Financial stability

with you

With financial stability and growth you can plan and save and buy exactly the gear you dream of or finally hire someone to help out.

Get started
“We chose 10er because it's easy, secure and easy to understand for both podcasters and supporters”
Jonas hosts the podcast Vin for Begyndere about wine
“10er was the easiest and fastest platform to set up”
Jacob and his friends make the podcast Hakkedrengene about action movies

Frequently Asked Questions

Payouts go directly to your bank account. You decide how often but typically they happen a day or two after we charge your subscribers.

10er uses Stripe to handle all payments and payouts.

Using most credit cards like VISA, MasterCard plus Apple Pay or Google Pay.

It is free to start a page. You only pay when you get paid. Creators pay 8% + transaction fees.

You're free to take your supporters with you! We hope you stay, of course, but we don't want to force you. Your supporters are yours.

10er was founded on the premise that it shouldn't require a mountain of work to get fan funded. You already do so much!

You don't have to set up tiers of perks or double your work load. Your fans want to see you succeed and are willing to support you for the work you're already doing.

That said, of course, if you want to do more for those who chip in, we have all the tools ready.

10er was founded by and is still run by me, Mikkel Malmberg through my tiny product studio Brainbow.

I'm a creator like you. I built 10er for my own podcast. Read the story here.

10er is a 100% self-funded, already profitable business. We don't need unicorn scale and we won't run out of money. We only want to succeed if its because we help you succeed.